Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Loading an Agarose Gel, Running it and Analyzing it

Material Required:


Pipette tips


Molecular marker

Loading dye

RNA/ DNA Sample

Ideal loading volumes: 3 to 5μl of sample + 3 to 5μl of loading dye

1 to 2μl of molecular marker + 2 to 3μl of dye


  1. Place a 1 inch piece of parafilm on the work table.
  2. Add loading dye.
  3. To the loading dye on the parafilm, add the DNA sample. Mix well by pipetting.
  4. Load into a well carefully.
  5. To load the molecular marker, repeat steps 1 to 4 and replace DNA sample with the molecular marker.

Running an Agarose Gel:

Run at 110 to 120 V for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Time will vary. Please look at the position of the leading dye and turn off unit before it runs over.

Imp: While placing the gel, make sure that the wells are on the same side as the black or negatively charged electrodes. Since nucleic acids are negatively charged, they run towards the red or the positively charged electrodes. If the well is placed on the same side as the positively charged electrodes, your sample will run over into the buffer.

Staining an Agarose Gel:

Stain in Ethidium bromide solution for 2 to 4 minutes. Make sure that the stain is on a shaker for efficient staining.

[Since ethidium bromide is a carcinogen, take care while handling it.]

Destain in distilled water or DI water for 15 to 20 minutes.

Nucleic acids will be visible under UV.

Pouring Agarose Gels

Today we used Agarose gels to verify that our DNA isolation was successful. What I learnt about agarose gels:
  1. They are very effective in separating large segments of DNA and RNA.
  2. They do not have high resolution, i.e., they cannot separate segments which are of very similar sizes.
  3. Range of separation: 200 bases to 10 Kilo bases
  4. To separate nucleic acids larger than 10 Kb, you need to run them in Pulsed field gels.
  5. Always make the agarose in the same buffer as that in which the gel is run.
  6. Use of concentrated buffer while making the gel may result in the gel melting during electrophoresis.
  7. garose gels are made in a w/v manner - weight of agar in volume of buffer; For example: in order to make 1% Agarose gel, add one gram of agarose to 100ml of buffer.
  8. Buffer used by us: 1X TAE (Tris Acetate EDTA)

Protocol: 1% Agarose Gel (Adjust according to percent and volume required)

  1. Take a 200 ml beaker.
  2. Add 1 gram of agar to 100 ml of 1X TAE, swirl to mix.
  3. Microwave, mixing intermittently, till all the agarose is completely dissolved. The solution will appear clear.
  4. Cool the solution till the beaker is comfortable to touch. If the agarose is too warm, it might warp the plates.
  5. Prepare the plates before heating the agarose solution. Place the comb. Make sure the plates are on a level surface.
  6. Pour the agarose solution into the plates.
  7. Let sit at room temperature for 30 minutes. If you need the gel quickly, place in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. The gel is then ready to use.
  8. Remove the comb prior to use.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Important Websites to know in Bioinformatics

As I was feeling my way through a bioinformatics workshop today, I realized how long it would take me to find these sites by myself with no help from Professor Lee Kozar. So, I decided to quickly jot them down someplace safe so if and when I need them, they are readily available!

Now, the first thing to know in binf (my code for bio-informatics in this blog) is where to search for what




Genbank, EMBL


SwissProt, PIR, GenPept

3D Structures




Sequence Motifs

Prosite, Blocks, eMotifs

Pathways and Complexes

KEGG, EcoCyc

Molecular Disease


Biomedical Research




Protein Mutations

PMD (Protein Mutant Database)

Gene Expressions

GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus)

Microarray Data

SMD ( Stanford Microarray Database)

Chemical Data


An important ftp site to know to get more information about Genbank


Important sites for Data Conversion:

Site that translates RNA/ DNA to protein:


A site that coverts the protein sequence back to RNA/DNA (Reverse translation or back translation)


A site to compare two nucleotide sequences


Sunday, September 30, 2007

Extraction of DNA from a sample

Last Thursday, we had our first lab assignment, which was to extract our own DNA from a salivary sample and use the extracted DNA as PCR template. The following is the bench protocol followed by us. All the reagents used were from Qiagen, and the basic protocol was adapted from Qiagen's DNeasy Blood and Tissue Handbook.


  1. Ensure that ethanol has been added to both the washing buffers (AW1 and AW2).
  2. Set up a water bath at 56° Celsius.
  3. Check to make sure that there is no precipitation in the Lysing buffer (AL). If there is any, re-dissolve it.
  4. All the subsequent steps are preferably carried out at temperatures between 15° and 25° Celsius.


  1. Trying to be as dignified as possible, collect some saliva in a 1.5 or 2 ml microcentrifuge tube. (Ideally, sample should come to about the 0.5 mark)
  2. Centrifuge at 300 rpm for 5 to 10 minutes or till a firm pellet is formed at the bottom of the microcentrifuge tube.
  3. Carefully pipet out the supernatant. This can be a tricky process as the pellet is easily dislodged. If the pellet is dislodged, re-centrifuge for 3 minutes.
  4. Re-suspend pellet in 200μl PBS (Phosphate buffered Saline)
  5. Add 20μl of proteinase K.
  6. Add 200μl of buffer AL (Lysing buffer). Make sure that you are not using ATL or tissue lysing buffer at this stage. ATL is much stronger than AL.
  7. Mix by vortexing, and incubate at 56° Celsius for 10 minutes.
  8. Add 200μl ethanol (96% to 100%). Mix by vortexing.
  9. Transfer the mixture into a DNeasy MiniSpin Column in a 2ml collection tube.
  10. Centrifuge at 8000 rpm for 1 minute.
  11. Discard liquid collected in the collection tube. If you have lots of collection tubes, you can discard the collection tubes also.
  12. Place spin column in the emptied or a new 2 ml collection tube.
  13. Add 500μl of buffer AW1 (Washing buffer 1).
  14. Centrifuge at 8000 rpm for 1 minute.
  15. Discard liquid in the collection tube. Changing collection tubes at this stage is once again optional.
  16. Place spin column in the emptied or a new 2 ml collection tube.
  17. Add 500μl of buffer AW2 (Washing buffer 2).
  18. Centrifuge at 14,000 rpm for 3 minutes.
  19. Remove the spin column carefully so it does not touch the flow through liquid or the collection tube.
  20. You can discard the collection tube and the flow through at this stage.
  21. Place the spin column in a new 1.5 or 2 ml microcentrifuge tube.
  22. Add 200μl of the AE buffer (Elution buffer) to the spin column.
  23. Incubate at room temperature for one minute.
  24. Centrifuge at 6000 rpm for 1 minute.
  25. If you want greater yield, repeat steps 21 to 24 again and combine the eluents from both the microcentrifuge tubes.


  • The DNA collected finally in the microcentrifuge can be used as the template for PCR experiments. Add 1μl of obtained eluent to 20μl of master mix and place in a thermocycler.

Elutrap electro-elution system

This is another protocol that I wrote for Dr Kim's Lab, which proved to be very useful. When I first started doing some research about the equipment, I found that Schleicher-schuell (the company which initially came up with the elutrap) was acquired by Whatman, and the protocol was no longer published online. I have a saved copy of the old protocol, and if anyone needs it, feel free to get in touch with me.

Protocol: Elutrap Electro-Elution System


Elutrap electro-elution system is a membrane trap elution system used for the extraction, concentration and dialysis of DNA and other charged molecules above the size of 5 kDa1. In our lab, we commonly use the elutrap to extract DNA and RNA from polyacrylamide gels. The advantages of this system over previously used techniques such as diffusion and simple electro-elution are a) high recovery rate, b) high reproducibility, c) high purity of recovered material and d) the ease of use1. Elutrap works by forming a collection chamber bordered by two membranes, a BT2 membrane and a dialysis membrane, into which buffer ions and target molecules less than 3 – 5 kDa collect under the influence of an electric field.

Materials & Methods


Elutrap device: consisting of sample chamber of 20ml capacity

Electrophoresis chamber with a central 4-channel tray insert

BT2 membrane – one per each device used

BT1 membrane – one per each device used

Dialysis membrane – one per each device used

Open ‘U’ inserts – 3 per each device used

Closed ‘U’ inserts – 2 per each device used

0.5X TBS (Tris Borate EDTA) Buffer – 2 liters

Ultrapure TBE buffer – about 15 ml per device used



Gel pieces containing the purified template

A small beaker containing DI water – to place dialysis membrane prior to use

Kim wipes

Toggle lever to tighten the screws

Assembly and Running of the Elutrap System:

  1. Clean work area and place kim wipes.
  2. Wash all equipment with hot, distilled and then with DI water.
  3. Cut out an adequate piece of dialysis membrane and place in the beaker containing the DI water. Remember that the dialysis membrane is bi-layered. We however use a single layer in the device. Hence, two filters can be prepared from one piece of the dialysis membrane. Remember to cut the dialysis membrane with one edge slightly higher than the other similar to the shape of the BT1 membrane.
  4. Loosen the screws of the elutrap device. Place the U shaped inserts into the two chambers of the device. The larger chamber should hold 4 inserts – three open and one closed. The smaller chamber should contain a single closed insert. Make sure that the inserts are tightly placed and rest on the designated slot. The notched surface of the inserts always faces the central elution chamber containing the gel pieces. Tighten the screws lightly.
  5. Place the dialysis membrane between the screw and the closed U insert in the large chamber of the device. It is very important to place the sloping side of the dialysis membrane next to the triangular mark on the side of the elutrap device.
  6. Place the BT2 paper filter on the other surface of the closed U insert while taking care to keep it dry. Tighten the screw. To check for the proper placement of the two membranes, place the device upright with the dialysis membrane on top, add some DI water and check for signs of leakage. Leakage can be detected by the appearance of water on the paper filter. Keep the dialysis membrane moist till the placement of the BT1 membrane. The BT2 paper filter prevents movement of gel pieces and large impurities into the collection chamber.
  7. The size of the collection chamber formed by the dialysis membrane and the BT2 membrane can be varied by altering the position of the placement of the latter membrane. If extracting large amounts of DNA or RNA, place the BT2 membrane between two open U inserts.
  8. Take the BT1 membrane out using forceps and clean thoroughly with DI water to remove all traces of glycerol. Place it between the screw and the closed U insert in the smaller chamber of the elutrap device. It is very important to place the sloping surface of the BT1 membrane next to the triangular mark on the side of the device.
  9. Fill the electrophoresis chamber to half full with 0.5X TBE. Place the elutrap device into one of the channels of the tray insert of the electrophoresis chamber. The collection chamber end of the device should be placed near the open aperture at the end of the channel towards the positively charged electrode.
  10. Place the tray against the tray stop so that the bottom aperture on the tray lies over the buffer. Align the tray such that the two apertures lie on top of each other allowing the passage of current into the channel. When the channels are not occupied with a device, make sure the apertures do not align, turning off the flow of current through them.
  11. Carefully add 0.5X TBE buffer to the electrophoresis chamber while simultaneously adding 0.5X ultrapure TBE to the central elution chamber of the elutrap device.
  12. Add the gel pieces to the central elution chamber containing the 0.5X ultrapure TBE. Take care not to clump the gel pieces together. Do not crowd the gel pieces on either end of the elution chamber. Also make sure that the gel pieces are completely covered with the buffer.
  13. The buffer in the electrophoresis chamber should cover the electrodes. The buffer in the elution chamber should be about one mm from the top.
  14. Plug in the electrodes. Remember that the red colored positively charged electrode is on the same end as the collection chamber.
  15. Run the unit at 150V for three hours. Collect the buffer containing DNA/RNA every hour from the collection chamber. Then, run the unit at 50V overnight for the final collection. Each collection should typically yield between 200 to 800μl of the buffer.
  16. To collect, hit the “run” switch to pause the electrophoresis. Switch the electrodes so that the negatively charged black electrode faces the collection chamber and run for 20 seconds. This separates DNA/RNA from the dialysis membrane. Switch the cables again immediately so you don’t run the unit on reverse.
  17. Set a pipette to 200μl. Collect using a loading tip, moving the tip carefully along the edges to recover the entire sample. Take care not to damage the membranes during collection. In case of inadvertent piercing of the membrane, save the buffer. Sample can be extracted from the buffer by ethanol precipitation and lyophilization.
  18. Collecting the sample too slowly can result in collection of a greater volume of the buffer as the buffer continues to diffuse into the collection chamber. Careful quick collection is desirable.
  19. After collection of each sample, check the OD (optical density) of the buffer collected. The OD of subsequent collections should be lower as the concentration of the sample gets diluted with the buffer. Most of the nucleic acid is typically obtained from the first collection.
  20. Remember to check that the electrodes are appropriately placed and to hit the “run” switch after each collection. Turn off the unit after completion of the elution.
  21. Following completion of the electro-elution, proceed with ethanol precipitation.


  1. Organic solvents may damage the device and should be removed promptly.
  2. The membranes should only be handled with gloves on to avoid RNase contamination. The same applies to handling of the equipment. If you suspect contamination of the equipment with RNase, wash with 0.05M NaOH, followed by 0.05M acetic acid. Finally, rinse thoroughly with DI water.
  3. To make the buffer RNase free, add DEPC (diethylpyrocarbonate) to 0.1% and allow the solution to stand for 12 hours at 37°C. It is essential to then autoclave the buffer to remove all traces of DEPC.
  4. Always keep the BT1 and the dialysis membrane moist. However, take precautions to keep the BT2 membrane dry for as long as possible.
  5. Gel slices should not extend beyond 6 cm in the sample chamber. Do not stack gel slices above the device height. Take care not to crush the gel as this may impair elution efficiency.
  6. To clean, discard the buffer down the drain. Discard all membranes. Wash well with warm water, followed by distilled water and DI water.


  1. Gobel, U Quantitative electroelution of oligonucleotides and large DNA fragments from gels and purification by electrodialysis” Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods 1987 August ;14(5):245-60.
  2. Schleicher & Scheull - Protocol: Elutrap electro-elution system

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Pouring Polyacrylamide Gels

Last Summer, I worked in the research lab of Dr. Chul Kim where I wrote this protocol for his lab.

Preparation & Usage of Polyacrylamide Gels


Polyacrylamide gels are used for the separation of proteins or small nucleic acids. Larger nucleic acids are typically separated using agarose gels. There are two types of polyacrylamide gels used in the laboratory. One type is the denaturing polyacrylamide gels which have urea added. Urea acts as the denaturant and ensures separation of the strands during migration. Typically 20% polyacrylamide gels are used as denaturing gels in our lab. The other types of polyacrylamide gels used are Native gels. These gels do not contain urea and are used to observe the separation of molecules due to conformational differences. Typically 12% polyacrylamide gels are used as native gels in our lab. Since oxygen inhibits the polymerization process, these gels are poured between glass plates.

Materials & Methods

Equipment required:

Measuring cylinder for measuring acrylamide

Micropipettes and micropipette tips

Hot plate with stirrer

Stir bar


2 Glass plates (one slightly smaller than the other) and spacers

Gel sealing tape (for small and long gels)


Binder clips

Casting clamp (for big gels)

Power Supply

Material required (all must be kept refrigerated at 4oC):

Acrylamide: 12% (without urea) or 20% (containing urea)

10% Ammonium persulfate (APS): catalyst in the polymerization of acrylamide

N,N,N',N'-Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED): adjunct catalyst for the polymerization of acrylamide

Quantities required:

Small Gel (~ 20 cm x 20 cm): Acrylamide: 50 ml

APS: 666μl

TEMED: 50μl

Long Gel (~ 35 cm x 20 cm): Acrylamide: 125ml

APS: 1665μl

TEMED: 125μl

Big Gel (~ 41 cm x 33 cm): Acrylamide: 220ml

APS: 2930μl

TEMED: 220μl

Standard Protocol: Acrylamide: 75ml

APS: 1ml

TEMED: 75μl


  1. Clean equipment with hot, distilled and de-ionized water and assemble.
  2. Prepare the glass plates:

Place spacers on the longer plate and place the smaller plate on top. If smaller plate has a bevel, point bevel facing inwards on the comb bearing side of the plate. [Make sure that the spacers and the comb are all of the same thickness, 1.6mm.]

Ensure that the spacers and plates are properly aligned and square, the foam pads are pressed tightly to the lower plate and clip the sides with binder clips for small and long gels. Tape the lower end carefully to prevent leakage while pouring for long and big gels, and place a spacer to close the lower border of the small gel. For big gels, close sides using casting clamps.

  1. Crumple up paper towels and place beneath corners of plates to catch polyacrylamide leakage.
  2. Place an appropriately sized beaker containing a stir bar on a hot plate and set the stir to 8 (high intensity stirring).
  3. Take acrylamide from the refrigerator, shake well to mix, and add required quantity to the beaker. Place the acrylamide back before taking the next reagent. [Important: Use the yellow acrylamide measuring cylinder only for the acrylamide]
  4. Take APS from the refrigerator, shake well to mix, and add required quantity to the beaker. Replace the APS before taking the next reagent.
  5. Take TEMED from the refrigerator, shake well to mix, and add required quantity to the beaker. Replace.
  6. Working as quickly as possible, incline the glass plates to a sharp angle and pour the acrylamide mixture continuously into the glass plates along the edge from corner to corner. Take care not to form bubbles while pouring.
  7. Once glass plates are filled, place comb while taking care not to push the comb in completely leaving about a mm (pushing the comb in completely causes a suction resulting in the breakage of the gel during removal of the comb). Also make sure that the comb is placed in the center.
  8. Place the plates horizontally and let the gel solidify. This typically takes around 20 minutes, minimum (Mol. Clon. Advises one hour). Use the remaining polyacrylamide in the beaker as your guide; if it is solid then your gel is solid. Label plates.
  9. These plates can be used immediately or stored at room temperature for 24 hours or at 4°C for 48 hours. To store, do not remove tape or comb, surround top of the gel with paper towels dampened with 0.5X TBE and wrap entire gel with plastic wrap.

Running a Small Gel:

Material Required:

0.5X TBE: 1000 ml

Small electrophoresis chamber, cover and cables

Two binder clips

Electrical unit to set parameters for running the gel



  1. Clean the electrophoresis chamber with hot, distilled and de-ionized water (DI-water).
  2. Make up 1 liter of 0.5X TBE by adding 100 ml of 5X TBE and 900 ml of DI-water. Cover with parafilm. Label.
  3. Take the poured gel; remove the lower spacer and the comb. Trim any edge, if needed. Wash the wells with DI-water to remove particulate matter. Leave the side spacers in place.
  4. With the smaller plate facing inwards, place the plates so they rest snugly against the cushioning. Hold them in place using one binder clip on each side making sure the clips seal the lower edge.
  5. Mix the prepared 0.5 X TBE solution. Pour it into the upper chamber to top the gel by about a centimeter. Wait at least 5 minutes to ensure that there are no leakages. If there are any leakages, re-clip the plates and try again. You might also want to change the clips and use tighter binder clips.
  6. Once you make sure that there is no leakage, incline the unit and pour 0.5X TBE into the lower chamber. This prevents the formation of air bubbles along the gap created by the removal of the lower spacer. Make sure the lower end of the gel is completely immersed and there are no bubbles below the plate. Bubbles formed on the lower edge can result in improper conductance of charge across the gel.
  7. Once the lower chamber is ready, top the upper chamber off so the level is at least two cm above the gel.
  8. Map out how you are going to load the wells in advance. When possible, take care not to create a pattern that would look the same. This will allow for the identification of samples even if the gel becomes inverted during the staining process.
  9. Add an equal amount of loading buffer with dye to your sample (make sure you pick the right one – native or denaturing, and not the concentrated dye). Heat your sample at 90°C for three minutes.
  10. Working as efficiently as possible, rinse out the wells with 0.5X TBE using a syringe. Take care NOT to poke the gel with the needle. This removes any traces of urea from the wells. Leaving urea in the wells will result in improper migration of the sample. As soon as the wells are washed, load 20μl of your sample containing the loading buffer dye into each well. Unless you have very good control over the pipette, push the sample only to the first depression of the pipette. Do not push to the second depression point as you may create a bubble that could flush your sample out of the well.
  11. Close the electrophoresis chamber. Label. Plug in the red positive cord to the lower electrode and the black negative cord to the upper electrode. As both RNA and DNA are negatively charged, we run them towards the positive charge.
  12. Run the gel at a constant voltage of 300V. Let the gel run for around three hours, until the leading dye is within a cm of the lower border of the gel. Turn off the power and disconnect apparatus.
  13. Carefully drain the buffer into the lower chamber and remove the gel plates. Remove the spacers. Separate one glass plate from the gel.
  14. Fill a container reserved for staining gels to 1/4th with toluidine blue stain. Carefully ease the gel into this container.
  15. Place the container on a shaker set at low speed. Gentle movement of the stain will allow for better incorporation of the dye into the gel. Let the gel stain for a minimum of one hour or until you can clearly make out that the sample has taken up adequate stain. If staining is not adequate, add a few drops of concentrated stain to the container and let stain longer.
  16. Pour the toluidine blue stain carefully into a beaker and pour it back into its original container. Toluidine blue is reused so make sure that it does not get contaminated with polyacrylamide gel pieces. Make sure that you don’t dilute the stain. Hold the gel stable with one hand while pouring the stain to prevent the gel slipping out of the container.
  17. Cover the gel with DI-water and place back on the shaker. Keep replacing the water periodically to de-stain efficiently. Failure to change the water may result in the stain settling back on the gel.
  18. Once the gel is de-stained, proceed with scanning.

Running a Long Gel:

Materials Required:

Large electrophoresis chamber and cables

Electrical unit to set parameters for running the gel

1 liter 0.5X TBE



  1. Clean the electrophoresis chamber with hot, distilled and de-ionized water (DI-water).
  2. Make up 1 liter of 0.5X TBE by adding 100 ml of 5X TBE and 900 ml of DI-water. Cover with parafilm. Label.
  3. Take the poured gel; remove the tape and the comb. Trim any edge, if needed. Wash the wells with DI-water to remove particulate matter.
  4. With the smaller plate facing inwards, place the plates so they rest snugly on the cushioning. Turn the knobs to hold the plates firmly in place.
  5. Make sure the knob connecting the upper and the lower chambers is closed.
  6. Mix the prepared 0.5 X TBE solution. Pour it into the upper chamber to top the gel by about two cm. Wait for 5 minutes to ensure that there are no leakages. If there are any leakages, remove the buffer and try to seal the leak with Vaseline.
  7. Once you ensure that there are no leakages, pour 0.5X TBE buffer in the lower chamber till the lower end of the gel is completely immersed; about 2 cm above the gel.
  8. Map out how you are going to load the wells in advance. When possible, take care not to create a pattern that would look the same. This will allow for the identification of samples even if the gel becomes inverted during the staining process.
  9. Add an equal amount of loading buffer to your sample (make sure you pick the right one – native or denaturing, and not the concentrated dye). Heat your sample at 90°C for three minutes.
  10. Working as efficiently as possible, rinse out the well with 0.5X TBE using a syringe. This removes any sediments of urea from the wells. Leaving urea in the wells will result in improper migration of the sample. As soon as the wells are washed, load the sample into your well.
  11. Make sure that you do not poke the gel with the loading tip. If the tip gets clogged, remove, trim the end using a sharp scissors and continue loading.
  12. Plug in the red positive cord to the lower electrode and the black negative cord to the upper electrode. As both RNA and DNA are negatively charged, we run them towards the positive charge. Label the unit.
  13. Run the gel at a constant voltage of 300V. Let the gel run for around seven hours, until the leading dye is within a cm of the lower border of the gel. Turn off the power and disconnect apparatus.
  14. Open the knob connecting the upper and lower chambers. Carefully drain the buffer into the lower chamber and remove the gel plates. Remove the spacers. Separate one glass plate from the gel.
  15. Fill a container reserved for staining gels to 1/4th with toluidine blue stain. Carefully ease the gel into this container.
  16. Place the container on a shaker set at low speed. Gentle movement of the stain will allow for better incorporation of the dye into the gel. Let the gel stain for a minimum of one hour or until you can clearly make out that the sample has taken up adequate stain. If staining is not adequate, add a few drops of concentrated stain to the container and let stain longer.
  17. Pour the toluidine blue stain carefully into a beaker and pour it back into its original container. Toluidine blue is reused so make sure that it does not get contaminated with polyacrylamide gel pieces. Make sure that you don’t dilute the stain. Hold the gel stable with one hand while pouring the stain to prevent the gel slipping out of the container.
  18. Cover the gel with DI-water and place back on the shaker. Keep replacing the water periodically to de-stain efficiently. Failure to change the water may result in the stain settling back on the gel.
  19. Once the gel is de-stained, proceed with scanning.

Running a Big Gel:

Materials required:

Large electrophoresis chamber and cables

Electrical unit to set parameters for running the gel

1 liter 0.5X TBE



Clean the electrophoresis chamber with hot, distilled and de-ionized water (DI-water).

Make up 1 liter of 0.5X TBE by adding 100 ml of 5X TBE and 900 ml of DI-water. Cover with parafilm. Label.

Take the poured gel; remove the tape and the comb. Trim any edge, if needed. Wash the wells with DI-water to remove particulate matter.

With the smaller plate facing inwards, place the plates so they rest snugly on the cushioning. Turn the knobs to hold the plates firmly in place.

Make sure the knob connecting the upper and the lower chambers is closed.

Mix the prepared 0.5 X TBE solution. Pour it into the upper chamber to top the gel by about two cm. Wait for 5 minutes to ensure that there are no leakages. If there are any leakages, remove the buffer and try to seal the leak with Vaseline.

Once you ensure that there are no leakages, pour 0.5X TBE buffer in the lower chamber till the lower end of the gel is completely immersed; about 2 cm above the gel.

Map out how you are going to load the wells in advance. When possible, take care not to create a pattern that would look the same. This will allow for the identification of samples even if the gel becomes inverted during the staining process.

Add an equal amount of loading buffer to your sample (make sure you pick the right one – native or denaturing, and not the concentrated dye). Heat your sample at 90°C for three minutes.

Working as efficiently as possible, rinse out the well with 0.5X TBE using a syringe. This removes any sediments of urea from the wells. Leaving urea in the wells will result in improper migration of the sample. As soon as the wells are washed, load the sample into your well. The large well can contain a maximum of 2 ml of sample + dye. Use a 300μl gel loading tip and load sample in increments in a layering motion. Make sure that you do not poke the gel with the loading tip. If the tip gets clogged, remove, trim the end using a sharp scissors and continue loading.

Plug in the red positive cord to the lower electrode and the black negative cord to the upper electrode. As both RNA and DNA are negatively charged, we run them towards the positive charge. Label the unit.

Run the gel at a constant power of 45 Watts per each big gel for approximately 6500 Volt hours. With this setting, the gel is usually allowed to run overnight.

Turn off the power and disconnect apparatus.

Open the knob connecting the upper and lower chambers. Carefully drain the buffer into the lower chamber and remove the gel plates. Remove the spacers. Separate one glass plate from the gel. Take a large sheet of plastic wrap and carefully ease the gel onto the wrap.

Place the wrap on reflective squares which fluoresce when irradiated with short wavelength UV rays.

Identify the sample and cut the gel into 0.5cm pieces using a clean scalpel. Transfer the pieces into a clean falcon tube using a clean forceps. Label and store at -20°C until ready to extract the sample using an ELUTRAP.


  1. Acrylamide is a neurotoxin. Hence, all work should be conducted wearing gloves. Special care should be taken to ensure that the appropriate measuring cylinder alone is used. Acrylamide [liquid] should never be disposed down the sink.
  2. Polyacrylamide or the polymerized acrylamide is not a toxin, and can be discarded in the trash.
  3. If unsure about the procedure, polymerization time can be delayed by placing the acrylamide, APS, TEMED mixture on ice.
  4. After running the gel, TBE buffer used can be discarded down the sink.
  5. Toluidine blue stain is reused. Place back into original container after use. DI-water containing stain can be discarded down the sink.


“Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual”, Second Ed., by J Sambrook, E.F. Fritsch and T Maniatis (1989) 12.74 – 12.80



Like all good beginnings, I would like to introduce myself and my work. I am a Master's student in Cell and Molecular Biology, and am also currently doing a certificate program in Biotechnology. My undergraduate degree was in Dentistry. After completion of my Dental degree from SRMC & RI, I came to California, where I completed one year of Post-baccalaureate studies in Cell and Molecular Biology. On completion of the above, I was fortunate enough to be accepted into the Master's program at Cal State, East Bay, which brings us up to date.

My Mentor: Every person has an idol, a guru, and mine is Professor Chris Baysdorfer. An untiring perfectionist, his ability to go from class to class and from topic to topic leaves all of us amazed.

In the subsequent posts, I will try to put my experiences, projects and reviews online. Since I am currently taking the following four courses, my posts in the next few months will cover these topics mostly.

Courses lined up:
PCR, DNA seqencing and Fragment analysis
Cell and Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology Seminar